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How nice that you ended up on this page! In any case, you can train 3 times free of charge with the recreational team (or the competition team if you already have experience) before you have to make a decision. View the training times here and let us know if you would like to come by. Below you will find some additional information about such costs, but you can of course also scroll directly to the bottom and complete the registration form!

Image by Tomas Eidsvold



Recreational member:

Recreational members are members who only practice and join activities.


Competition member:

These members play matches, in addition to recreational training they are also entitled to competition training. And of course are also welcome to all activities.


Non-playing member:

This membership is mainly for the old souls and/or injured people within the association. They are only allowed to participate in activities, but are joining training sessions.



We charge a contribution of €90 for all playing members . You can earn €50 back from this by doing work promotions, these are odd jobs* that you can earn money with on behalf of the association.


The contribution for non-playing members has been halved. This means that they pay €45 , of which €25 can be recouped.


*A work action usually involves preparing or clearing exam tables/chairs, or helping out at an (sports) event.


Extra costs

All recreational members (and competition members who use the training at the RSC) must be in possession of a sports card. You can take out this at any time at the counter at Radboud Sport & Cultuur.


Members who want to play league matches must also pay association fees. Competition members pay approximately €77 for an entire season. Recreational players are allowed to play 5 competition matches, provided they are registered with the association. They pay approximately €40 for this.

Registration form

Do you want to become a member? Then quickly fill out the form below! Do you have a question first? Send an email to

Choice of membership
Where do you study?

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